When it comes to your School Board Candidates, don't you want to know where they stand on the issues that are important to them?
When you run for an important position like a Director on the School Board, the devil is in the details to inform the electorate of what you stand for. Relying on broad brush strokes isn't a campaign platform.​
My opponent lists the following items as the focus of his campaign:
Focus on Academics
Transparency to Parents
School Safety
Student Conduct Accountability
Increased Student Achievement
Not Overburdening Taxpayers
Against - Critical Race Theory
Against - Social Agenda Programs
(He did have no book banning earlier in the year as an item before the primary in February.)
But have you actually seen anything from him to explain what his detailed thoughts are on anything other than CRT and DEl?
What does he feel the District needs to improve on with transparency to parents? We provide information on the curriculum and standards that we use for all grades in the District. We require parental sign-off on various situations and make sure to allow opt-out capability. We surveyed our parents and more than 95% of those who responded said our communication was effective or highly effective. What would he push for to do differently or better?
What areas of School Safety would he focus on? What are his thoughts on the School Safety Officer and the School Safety Resolution that has been passed by the Board?
What would he suggest we do to improve upon the Board policy that already exists regarding student conduct and how would he improve the accountability to those who are in violation of the policy?
Has he defined "increase student achievement?"
Other than the fact that we have had three balanced budgets in a row, increased fund balance to improve the financial health of the District, and took action on the referendum debt to cut 5 years of payments and save taxpayers nearly $10 million in costs associated with that debt, has he explained how he wants to "not overburden taxpayers?"
Why does he need to wait until he is on the School Board to take a "deep dive into the financials?" As a governmental body, we are obligated to provide the public information when asked for it. As a candidate for a position on the School Board, shouldn't he be taking the time and effort to learn as much as possible to not create a "we need to vote for him to find out who we voted for" situation?
Voyer is on record that he is against book banning - even going so far as to say that "lewd" material in the high school library would be fine. Once that minor apparently reviews that book in the library and wants to check it out, a parent would have to sign off on the book loan.
He is also on record to oppose the Library Materials (Policy 2522) update from February of 2023 where we strengthened the book challenge and review process and made all of our library resources available to the public so that anyone can see what we have in our libraries. Why would he be against that high level of transparency? For someone who has preached how transparency is so important to him, that doesn't seem to jive. Does he not want our parents to be able to have easy access to see what their children might have access to?
He certainly has spent plenty of time explaining how he is against CRT and how he wants to eliminate it from the Germantown School District. However, has he explained why his opinion on CRT trumps our student's ability to earn college credit in an AP class where CRT is one of nearly 8-10 different theories discussed? Why does he want to take away an educational opportunity for our students to earn college credit?
And then there is DEI…
He has spent countless numbers of posts explaining how DEI is bad… How he wants to prevent it from being in our schools… How much waste of money it is…
And admits in his jsonline.com interview that he hasn’t seen any DEI in the Germantown School District.
Since he first filed his paperwork on December 14th and claimed that he filed on the first day that he could – which is not true at all (January 2nd video clip) - I filed on December 7th, his primary focus has been on:
Eliminating/preventing something that doesn’t exist in the district – DEI.
Wanting to eliminate college-level courses, one where students could earn college credit, that requires parental sign-off.
When it comes to your School Board candidates, don’t you want to know where they stand on the issues that are important to them?
Here’s my 2024 voter information page where you can see where I stand on the issues and my answers to those questions asked by the public during the Germantown Chamber of Commerce candidate forum. It was held on March 12th.
My opponent has had approximately four months – including the run-up to the very important February primary – to explain his positions in more detail (which he has included in his distributed literature). He has chosen not to.
My assumption is that he doesn't want to take an actual stance on them. In at least one instance, he has written how "it will take being on the board to see into everything."
I attended School Board meetings starting in 2019, well before I decided to run for the Board. I was able to craft my opinions and the positions I was going to take publicly WITHOUT having to be on the Board when I ran in 2020 and 2021. (You can still see them on this website.)
However, please know that when you start to see him detail the positions that he has identified as important to him in the coming days leading to the election, it wasn’t by design. It was because of this post.