My answer to “What is your stance on the ban on Human Growth & Development curriculum within the Germantown School District?” from the Germantown Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum:
Wisconsin state statutes allow school boards to make a choice regarding the implementation or inclusion of human growth & development.
When you have a legally available choice in how you go about making a decision and what you do to fulfill that obligation, choosing one thing versus another does not constitute a ban. It’s just like when our librarians choose to include Charlotte’s Web in circulation and not to include Mr. Pine’s Purple House. They aren’t banning Mr. Pine’s Purple House.
Our current policy, 2414, directs students in grades 9-12 to receive instruction in the knowledge of physiology and hygiene, sanitation, the effects of controlled subjects and alcohol upon the human body, symptoms of disease, and the proper care of their body. The instruction on physiology and hygiene also includes instruction on sexually transmitted diseases.
Based on what we currently have in place, our District is in compliance with state law. I am supportive of the current stance of the district and would not consider changing it at this time.