I was able to attend the Ad Hoc Curriculum meeting last night. Since the meeting was not live-streamed nor recorded, I thought I would share some of my notes from last night to give some perspective on what was discussed. I will admit that I am very disappointed that these committee meetings are not live-streamed or at least recorded for future viewing by the public. If the idea for this board is to be transparent, any public meeting of any entity of the School Board should be at the least be recorded and made public.
The Germantown Way Learner Profile – This has been something that has existed since 2017 when the Board approved it. Updates were made in 2018 (there was no Board approval). Though we name it The Germantown Way Learner profile, this process isn’t unique to our district since it is required through the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction that began during the 2017-18 school year. The profile should have been receiving board approval every year. It will be brought up to the board during the June/July timeframe for review and approval. If my notes are correct, this is something that all students work on starting late in middle school and continue to work on and update throughout high school regarding academic and career planning.
Social Justice Discussion – In the coming weeks, teachers and staff within the district will participate in various book studies, reading and reflections, and conferences related to social justice topics.
Advisory Council on Equity – This is a new committee that will be started that will consist of parents, board members, district staff that will meet on a regular basis. The group will be meeting soon, but there are still many details that will be worked out.
Lastly, there was a race-related incident at the high school. Mr. Soderberg said that he will be discussing and providing an update on what he can at the meeting on Monday. I would encourage everyone, if they can, to either attend the meeting at County Line Elementary or watch online.