Last Monday’s Board meeting video has now been published for viewing:
Since some of my focus very recently has been a criticism of these Board Goals (which they did approve Monday night, March 8; around the 1:09:00 mark).
The previous goals were not set “about a year and a half ago” as was mentioned. The 2019/2020 goals were approved at the February 24, 2020 meeting. Still, my biggest criticism of this whole process is the lack of transparency in whether or not we met any of the goals that were approved for 2019/2020 (or for that matter other goals that had previously been approved). The pandemic did not have anything to do with the need to adjust the fund balance goal (it was raised to 13% from 12% last year and now has been completely revised to increasing the fund balance up by 0.5% per year going forward). Due to the approved budget that occurred in September of 2019, the Board knew that the budgeted expectation, due to expected expenditures being larger than expected revenues, would be that we would have a fund balance of approximately 10%. In other words, falling below the board goal that was approved in February of 2020, was already in motion and expected. We were already well on our way to a lower fund balance prior to the pandemic. Yes, there are unbudgeted expenses to the COVID-19 pandemic, however, this event alone DID NOT set in motion any of the financial difficulties the District is experiencing now.
There was no discussion or mention of what the reasoning was behind removing the goal: Balance educational services with community tax expectations.’
There was no explanation why there was a need to adjust the School Report Card number DOWN. As I have already shown (My Thoughts on the Proposed 2020/2021 Germantown School Board Goals), over the last three years where scores were available, we were falling short of the previous goal.
There was no explanation of why there was an adjustment to the Moody’s bond rating goal. Specifically, now that Moody’s has lowered our rating, we are accepting the lower rating rather than the highest (which we have prided ourselves on. For instance, it was specifically called out at the last District Annual meeting in September of 2020. Two days later, the rating was lowered.)
Setting goals should give us something to work toward in the future. They should give us an insight into where we want to be. Goals are not meant to be adjusted to the present so that we can check them off.